
Volume 33, Issue 2 (click here to download the full pdf version)

I am happy to report that following the return of normalcy in Hong Kong, we have resumed connections with overseas colleagues via face-to-face meetings during overseas visits.

Together with representatives from the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine and the sister Colleges, I attended the 57th Singapore-Malaysia Congress of Medicine on 19 – 21 July 2024. This 3-day event offered a valuable platform for medical professionals from Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia to exchange ideas. It also provided an opportunity to reconnect with old friends I met at the International Liaison of Pathology Presidents (ILPP) 2023 Annual Meeting, as well as to make new connections.

Additionally, I...

Volume 32, Issue 2 (click here to download the full pdf version)

Message from the President

It is with great pleasure that our College can finally host our Annual Dinner once again in 2023, following the return to normalcy in Hong Kong. I look forward to meeting all of you in the coming Annual General Meeting and the Conferment Ceremony. This year, we have offered the option of vegetarian dinner, and we have planned to introduce on-site download of event photos. We hope you will appreciate our new initiatives, and we shall review their popularity afterwards.

On top of organizing the regular College activities taking place each year, our College is particularly busy this year because of two special events.

The International...

Volume 31, Issue 1 (click here to download the full pdf version)

Message from the President

It gave me great pleasure in writing this message, as the College Newsletter always has a special place in my heart.

It seems like yesterday when I first joined the College Council and took up the College Newsletter Chief Editor position in 2004. It has come a long way for the College newsletter to evolve from a black-and-white hard copy, to the current colourful electronic soft copy. I still remember the days when the Editorial Board meeting took place in a casual atmosphere in a restaurant in Admiralty, how the name “Pathologue” was proposed by the scholarly Dr LOO Ka Tai, and how the various new ideas were born through members of the Editorial...

Volume 30, Issue 1 (click here to download the full pdf version)

Message from the President

In this issue of the College Newsletter, I am delighted to announce that Professor Dennis LO, Professor Joseph Sriyal Malik PEIRIS and Professor Kwok Yung YUEN (in the order of their surnames) have received the prestigious Royal Medal of The Royal Society as well as the Future Science Prize 2021 in life sciences for their contributions in the discoveries of cell-free DNA for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis and zoonotic transfer of coronavirus to human causing Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 2003, respectively. My heartfelt congratulations!

Under the new normal of COVID-19, all examinations in 2021 were still conducted using video conferencing technology...

Volume 29, Issue 1 (click here to download the full pdf version)

Message from the President

In this issue of the College Newsletter, I am saddened to bring the news to all Members and Fellows that one of our Honorary Fellows, Professor WU Bing Quan passed away peacefully on 21 June 2020. Professor WU was a pioneer in the development of Pathology in China. He was one of the first group of scientists to be sent to the United States for training where he met Professor Joseph CK LEE, Former Dean and current Honorary Clinical Professor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. They became good friends during their time together in the United States and hence Professor WU became associated with our College. Professor LEE has...

Volume 28, Issue 1 (click here to download the full pdf version)

Message from the President

This is the first issue of our College Newsletter in 2019. In 2018, College was busy with conducting the activities associated with the new training programme in Genetic and Genomic Pathology including the second open forum and First Fellow application. We are now processing numerous applications. An interview will be conducted in October 2019 to finalise the eligibility.

In 2018, the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine was also celebrating her 25th Anniversary with a series of fascinating events including the Congress of Medicine and Gala Dinner with an impressive drummer performance at the opening. Our Fellow, Prof. YUEN...

Volume 27, Issue 2 (click here to download the full pdf version)

Message from the President

Time flies! The Year of 2018 is coming to an enjoyable end as we are continuously receiving good news from our seniors and young Fellows.

I would like to congratulate Prof. KY Yuen, Prof. Dennis Lo and Prof. Malik Peiris for their recent awards and honours received locally and internationally. Between them, they have added significant new dimensions to the reach of their science and the way we view and understand their disciplines. In addition, two of our Fellows, Dr. SM Mak and Dr. HW Ip were nominated as Distinguished Young Fellows and received their certificates from Prof. CS Lau, President of the Hong Kong...

Volume 26, Issue 2 (click here to download the full pdf version)

Message from the President

Four years ago, I took up the challenging post of President of The Hong Kong College of Pathologists. It is time to pass the responsibility to my capable successor after the AGM this year.

The College has faced challenges while trying our best to achieve the most important mission of safeguarding the quality of training and ensuring high standard of pathology service to our community.

With the aging population and various factors, the demand on medical care in Hong Kong has been increasing. It is known that the majority of clinical decisions need the support of medical laboratory investigations. The opinions of...

Volume 25, Issue 2 (click here to download the full pdf version)

Message from the President

This year is the 25th Anniversary of The Hong Kong College of Pathologists. Since the establishment, the most important mission of our College is to safeguard the quality of training, so as to ensure high standard of pathology service to our patients.

November is the time when new Fellows and Members are admitted to the College. On behalf of the College, I would like to extend my sincere welcome to all new Fellows and Members to...

Volume 24, Issue 1 (click here to download the full pdf version)

Message from the President

Pathology is an important element in medicine. Such importance has been increasingly acknowledged in professional and general community. Our College has been active in several professional activities to maximize our impact to improve the community health.

A Working Group on Genetic and Genomics has been set up by the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine in 2014 to coordinate the training in this field with college representatives from Community Medicine, Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Paediatricians, Pathologists and Physicians. Professor Rossa Chiu and I are representatives of our College in this group. Our College has also correspondingly set up a Task Force on Training for Genetics and Genomics, including Specialty...